Pregnancy Diary – Week 24

Phew! Our anatomy scan showed that everything looked normal. I was so happy to hear that our baby is healthy! That was the highlight of our appointment with the midwife! She also mentioned that the baby was a little small, falling between 50th and 70th percentile, but nothing to worry about. My belly was measuring at 23cm, exactly as my term, and the baby’s heartbeat was 148 bpm!

My recent hematology report showed a lower platelet count, 115, and our midwife said they would decide in the following few days if they would refer me to obstetrician or hematologist. She wanted me to do another set of blood work to see if anything has changed. Also, I will need to do a glucose screening test between weeks 24 and 26. This is a pretty common test for potential gestational diabetes during pregnancy. Guess who got pretty excited about more blood testing!? I am not a big fan of needles, not at all!

It finally happened – my husband can now feel the baby’s movements with his hand! I am so excited about it! Finally! The anatomy scan showed that my placenta is located in the front, that is why I was only able to feel the kicks on the sides before. My husband can feel them either on the right or left side as well, but mostly on my right. A few days ago I started feeling the kicks in the middle as well, someone is getting less room to move around in there!

I believe the baby has a routine now: the movements start shortly after I eat something. I hope he/she is enjoying the food, they say that babies develop the taste buds for the food that they are exposed to while in the womb. My only concern is sugar, I am trying super hard to consume as little as possible but it is really hard (guilty face!). And with the Christmas holidays starting soon it is going to be a real challenge. I need to set some ground rules with my husband’s family (we will be celebrating holidays with them) and ask my husband to watch me. Though what we both need is a third party watch both of us. You know what did not help this week with our sugar limitations? Costco had stroopwafels on sale! Guess who could not just walk by? I think it was our last trip to Costco during this pregnancy.

Babino also starts moving more when I go to bed. I lie on my back while I am reading or scrolling through Instagram posts, and that is when someone becomes very active! Maybe wishing us both goodnight? That’s my favourite time of the day now!

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